Betrothal ceremony of the Grand Duke George Mikhailovich and Victoria Romanovna Bettarini at Kostroma

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In the Russian Orthodox Church, the wedding ceremony is divided into two sections: the Betrothal (obrucheniye or Обручение) and the Crowning (venchaniye or Венчание) . In the modern day, the ceremonies are most frequently combined, but in the past, they were two separate ceremonies. The Grand Duke and his fiancée chose to celebrate the ceremony of Betrothal at the Ipatievskii Monastery at Kostroma. This is the ancient monastery from which the first Romanov Tsar, Michael I was called to the throne. The Epiphany Convent of St. Anastasia, which is part of the complex at Kostroma, is also the home of the miraculous icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother-of-God - regarded as the heavenly protectress of the House of Romanov.

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At the Betrothal service, the chief ceremony is the blessing and exchange of rings. The rings are blessed by the priest in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The priest then exchanges the rings, taking the bride's ring and placing it on the groom's finger and vice-versa. Then he exchanges them again, symbolizing that each spouse will constantly be complementing and enriching the other by the future union. This is also an outward symbol that the two are joined in marriage of their own free will and consent. It is celebrated in the vestibule or the pritvor (Притвор) of the church building before their procession into the nave of the church.

The Grand Duke and his fiancé chose to practice the ancient version of the custom in an ancient place very special to the House of Romanov.

A bulletin from the Imperial Chancellery read as follows:

2021-01-24. The betrothal of Tsesarevich George of Russia and his bride-to-be, Miss Victoria Romanovna Bettarini, took place at the Ipatiev Monastery in the city of Kostroma

On January 24, 2021, at noon, the Heir of the Head of the Imperial House of Russia, His Imperial Highness The Grand Duke George of Russia, and his fiancée, the hereditary noblewoman Miss Victoria Romanovna Bettarini, were betrothed in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in the Ipatiev Monastery in the city of Kostroma. The betrothal service was officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Ferapont of Kostroma and Nerkhta. Among those attending the service were government officials of the Kostroma Region.

In the morning, the Grand Duke and his fiancée attended Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Holy Epiphany-St. Anastasia in Kostroma, receiving Holy Communion and venerating the great and holy icon of the House of Romanoff—the Feodorovskaya miracle-working Icon of the Mother of God.

Then the couple proceeded to the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery, where the betrothal service took place, officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Ferapont and other clergy of the Kostroma diocese.

On behalf of the Governor of the Kostroma Region, S. K. Sitnikov, the Chief of Staff the administration of the Kostroma Region, M.B. Smirnov, formally greeted Tsesarevich George and his fiancée Victoria Romanovna.

Later that same day, Grand Duke George and Victoria Romanovna, accompanied by Archpriest Dimitri Sazonov, visited the construction site of the new church at the Second City Hospital of Kostroma, and the Children’s Maritime Center.