The Manifesto of Grand Duke Kirill on His Accession to the Russian Throne: 1924
Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich
On September 13th (August 31st, O.S.), 1924, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich of Russia issued a manifesto on his accession to the positions of Head of the Imperial House and Emperor-in-Exile. These rights were his by law as the senior male of the House of Romanov. The Imperial Fundamental Laws state:
Chapter II, Section 28: Accordingly, succession to the Throne belongs in the first place to the eldest son of the reigning Emperor, and after him to all his male issue.
Chapter II, Section 29; With the extinction of this male issue, succession passes to the branch of the second son of the Emperor and his male issue; with the extinction of the second male issue, succession passes to the branch of the third son, and so forth.
Prior to 1924, Kirill had repeatedly delayed his accession manifesto. Under the laws, he had become head of the dynasty in July 1918, immediately following the murders of the former Emperor Nicholas II and his son, the Tsesarevich Alexis Nikolaevich. Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, the brother of Nicholas II, had been murdered a month previously, in June 1918.
Thus, the three people ahead of Kirill in the line of succession prior to the abdication of Nicholas II were all dead. (Nicholas II had abdicated not only on his own behalf but on behalf of his son Alexis. This was because he did not want to be separated from his much loved son, a 12 year old boy afflicted with a fatal disease, hemophilia. Under the laws, however, the Emperor had no right to abdicate on behalf of his son, who technically became head of the dynasty.) Grand Duke Kirill refused to issue his declaration until he was absolutely sure that these relatives were dead. There had been many conflicting accounts after July 1918, some claiming that Nicholas II and his son were still alive. By 1924, Kirill was convinced that none of them had survived. He had been shown the evidence of the assassinations which investigator Nikolai Sokolov had provided to the members of the Imperial House. For her part, the Dowager Empress, mother of Nicholas II, had refused to listen to accounts of this evidence or even to receive Sokolov, because she would not entertain the idea that her sons and grandson had not survived.
By 1924, Kirill understood that, being by law and primogeniture the most senior surviving dynast, he had a solemn duty to assert the rights of the dynasty of which he had become the head.
1924 was a year of enormous turmoil. In Russia, the death of Lenin earlier in the year had resulted in a power vacuum and a succession struggle. Russia had been suffering from a desperate famine affecting millions, and the generous foreign aid that had poured into the country during the First World War was being withdrawn, as nations refused to assist or recognize the Soviet Authority. Kirill hoped that his statement would unify the Russian factions and promise a stable government with which the nations of the world could work to assist the suffering Russian nation.
Outside of Russia, various émigré political forces had been setting out plans for a post-Bolshevik Russia, many of which either did not include the Romanovs at all or sought to pressure various junior family members to ignore the fundamental laws and step into the power vacuum (Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich, and Prince Nikita of Russia were all approached by various exile groups at one time or another). With his manifesto, Kirill sought not only to assert his rights, but to underscore that Russian Imperial law had not been extinguished, and that legitimacy lay with those who upheld the laws.
Kirill felt that only a restoration of the Romanov monarchy could save the Russian Nation, and so he wrote and issued his manifesto. He believed that a return to the autocracy of old was undesirable and unrealistic. Instead, he envisioned a liberal constitutional monarchy. Some writers unfamiliar with the Russian Imperial Fundamental laws refer to Kirill as the “self-declared” head of the dynasty without understanding that this declaration could come ONLY from the lawful heir to the throne, in compliance with the Fundamental Laws:
Chapter IV, section 53; Upon the demise of an Emperor, His Heir accedes to the Throne by virtue of the law of succession itself, which confers this right upon Him. The accession of the Emperor to the Throne is reckoned from the day of the demise of His Predecessor.
Chapter IV, section 54; In the Decree on the accession to the Throne, the Rightful Heir to the Throne is also announced, if the person to whom lawful succession belongs, exists.
Kirill believed that it was essential for the dynasty to assert and clarify its rights for yet an additional reason, namely, the confusion that had been caused by three successive unconstitutional acts in 1917 and 1918: Nicholas II’s unlawful abdication of the succession rights of his son Alexis; the unlawful declaration of Nicholas II’s brother Michael deferring his own succession to the throne until a Constituent Assembly was elected by universal suffrage to decide whether Russia would remain a monarchy or become a republic; and the subsequent unilateral declaration of a one-party republic by the Provisional Government without allowing the Constituent Assembly to decide on Russia’s form of government. To the extent that Michael’s conditional declaration deferring his succession could be deemed to have any validity, Michael’s manifesto was nullified when the provisional government, in violation of its own terms of reference, issued its unilateral declaration of a republic. The goal of Kirill’s manifesto was to make clear to the world that, despite the brutal murders of so many Romanovs, the dynasty still existed, that he was its head, and that the dynasty was not in any way bound either by Grand Duke Michael’s manifesto of deferral or by the declaration of a republic.
Kirill assumed the title of Emperor to underline and emphasize his succession to the headship of the dynasty. At the same time, his office issued an instruction explaining that he would use the title of Emperor only among fellow Russians but would remain Grand Duke Kirill in his dealings with non-Russians.
The new Emperor’s manifesto read:
The original manuscript is illustrated below:
“There are no limits to the sufferings of the Russian people.
Our great nation, enslaved, tortured, offended in its faith, is dying out as a result of increasing illnesses and epidemics. Now an even greater evil has befallen Russia— a dreadful famine. Human words are unable to express the sufferings of mothers who are the helpless witnesses of their children's death from starvation.
Three years ago many millions of our compatriots perished from hunger in that very Russia which formerly had a surplus of bread and was the granary of Europe. But then the sympathetic and generous America and various organizations came to the assistance of those that were perishing and many were saved.
At present the hopes of foreign help are in vain, because the immoral Communistic Government, having ruined Russia, robbed her of her wealth and riches, has obtained for itself in the last years gold by exporting bread from our starving land. The Communists need gold for their own enrichment, for extending trouble in other countries throughout the world and to attain the aim of world revolution.
Notwithstanding the clearly undeniable failure of the harvest in a broad belt of the most fertile part of Russia. the Communists continue to export bread this year.
It is quite clear that America, knowing that her help would only serve to strengthen the destructive activity of the third international, is unwilling to give further help, realizing its futility.
I have received the same answer to all my requests for help for the Russian people, namely, that during the continuance in Russia of the present political conditions and an ascendancy over her of the enemy of Christian civilization, the third international, no help can be given until a law-supporting Government is established in our Fatherland, and that only upon the establishment of legal government can the measures and methods of widest help be introduced in Russia.
Let the Russian Army, although named Red, but in whose ranks the majority are forcibly enrolled faithful sons of Russia, say the decisive word, rise in defence of the rights of the Russian people and, having re-established the historic motto for the Faith, the Czar, and the Fatherland, re-erect the former law and order in Russia.
Let the mass of the people rise together with the Army and recall its lawful national Czar, who will be a loving, forgiving, caring Father, the Sovereign Ruler of the great Russian land, feared only by our enemies and by conscious destroyers of the people.
The Czar will re-erect the churches, forgive those erred, and will lawfully give the land to the farmers. And then Russia will receive wide help during the famine and will be saved from destruction, and later she will rebuild her destroyed trade and industry and will obtain peace and prosperity.
The duties of the Czar will be heavy and difficult in Russia, ruined and deprived of her foundations. It is not for personal glory, not for honours, and not because of a greed for power that the Czar will return to the Throne of his Forefathers, but to do his duty before God, his conscience, and the Fatherland.
When calling for the sacred effort of the liberation of the Fatherland from a disgraceful and destructive yoke, I am the first who is obliged to carry out the law and My duty while setting aside all hesitation and notwithstanding the fact that at present I must live outside the Fatherland.
Making the sign of the Cross, I declare to all the Russian people:
Our hope that the precious life of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, or that of the Heir and Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolayevich, or that of the Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, might have been preserved, has proved to be in vain.
The time has now come to make it known to all that on 4/17 July 1918, in the city of Ekaterinburg, by order of the international group which has seized power in Russia, the bestial assassinations of the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, their son and heir Tsesarevich Alexei Nikolaevich, and their daughters the Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, have been perpetrated.
In the same year, near the city of Perm, the brother of the Sovereign Emperor, Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich, was killed.
Let the blessed memory of these August Martyrs be the guiding star for us in the sacred cause of restoring the former well-being of our Motherland. And let the day of 4/17 July be for Russia for all time a day of sorrow, penitence and prayer.
The Russian laws of succession to the Throne do not permit the Imperial Throne to remain vacant after the demise of the previous reigning Emperor and after the deaths of his closest heirs have been established.
Also, by our law, the new Emperor becomes such by virtue of the law of succession itself.
The unprecedented famine which has again broken out in Russia and the despairing appeals for help which are coming from the Motherland make it imperative that the cause of the deliverance of the Motherland should have at its head a supreme and rightful authority, free of class or party.
Therefore I, as senior Member of the Imperial Family and the only rightful heir to the Imperial Throne of Russia, assume the title of Emperor of All the Russias which indisputably be-longs to me.
I declare my Son, Prince Wladimir Kirillovich, to be Heir to the Throne, with the title of Grand Duke, Heir and Tsesarevich.
I promise and swear solemnly to maintain the Orthodox Faith and the Russian Fundamental Laws on Succession to the Throne, and I undertake to safeguard as inviolable the rights of all religious denominations.
The people of Russia are great and endowed with abundant gifts of mind and heart, but they have fallen into terrible calamity and misfortune.
May the great trials sent to Russia by God cleanse it and lead it to a bright future, renewing and strengthening the holy alliance between Tsar and people.”
Signed in His Imperial Majesty’s Own Hand
Issued at Coburg, 31 August/13 September 1924
[Original Russian Text]
Нет предела страданиям Русского народа.
Порабощенный, разоренный, измученный, оскорбленный с своей Вере наш великий народ вымирает от неимоверно усилившихся болезней и эпидемий. Ныне Россию постигло еще большее бедствие - небывалый голод. Человеческое слово бессильно выразить муки матерей, беспомощных свидетельниц голодной смерти своих детей.
Три года тому назад много миллионов наших соотечественников погибло от голода в той самой России, которая раньше имела избыток хлеба и была житницею Европы. Но тогда отзывчивая, богатая и щедрая Америка и разные организации пришли на помощь погибавшему населению, и многие были спасены.
Ныне надежды на иностранную помощь тщетны, потому что безнравственная коммунистическая власть, разорив Россию, расхитив ее казну и богатства, за последние годы добывала себе золото путем вывоза за границу хлеба из голодающей страны нашей. Золото нужно коммунистам для личного обогащения, для порождения смуты во всех странах света и мировой революции.
Невзирая на ясно обозначившийся ныне полный неурожай в широкой полосе наиболее хлебородной части России, коммунисты продолжают вывозить хлеб и в сем году.
Совершенно ясно, что Америка, считая, что ее помощь послужит лишь к усилению разрушительной деятельности III Интернационала, отказывается принести новые жертвы, понимая их безнадежность.
На все Мои обращения за помощью для Русского народа, Я получаю один и тот же ответ, что при господстве над нею врага христианской цивилизации, III Интернационала, никакая помощь оказана быть не может до тех пор, пока не установится на Родине нашей правовая власть, и лишь по восстановлении в России Законного Порядка могут быть осуществлены уже выработанные меры и способы широкой помощи.
Пусть Русская Армия, хотя и называемая красной, но в составе коей большинством являются насильно призванные честные сыны России, скажет решающее слово, встанет на защиту попранных прав Русского народа и, воскресив исторический Завет - за Веру, Царя и Отечество, восстановит на Руси былой Закон и Порядок.
Заодно с Армией пусть всколыхнется громада народная и призовет своего Законного Народного Царя, который будет любящим, всепрощающим, заботливым Отцом, Державным Хозяином Великой Русской Земли, грозным лишь для врагов и для сознательных губителей и растлителей народа.
Царь восстановит Храмы, простит заблудших, законно закрепит за крестьянами землю. И тогда Россия получит широкую помощь от голода и спасение от окончательной гибели, а впоследствии воссоздаст разрушенное свое хозяйство и обретет мир и благополучие.
Тяжело и трудно будет служение Царя в разоренной и расшатанной в своих устоях России. Не для личной славы, не для суетных почестей или из жажды власти вернется Царь на свой Прародительский Престол, а для исполнения Своего долга перед Богом, Своею совестью и Родиной.
Призывая к святому подвигу освобождения Отечества от позорного и гибельного ига, Я первый обязан исполнить в полной мере Закон и Свой Долг, отметая всякие колебания и не взирая на вынужденное в настоящее время пребывание за рубежом Отечества.
Осенив Себя Крестным знамением, объявляю всему Народу Русскому:
Надежда наша, что сохранилась драгоценная жизнь Государя Императора Николая Александровича, или Наследника Цесаревича Алексея Николаевича, или Великого Князя Михаила Александровича не осуществилась.
Ныне настало время оповестить для всеобщего сведения: 4/17 июля 1918 года в городе Екатеринбурге, по приказанию интернациональной группы, захватившей власть в России, зверски убиты - Государь Император Николай Александрович, Государыня Императрица Александра Федоровна, Сын Их и Наследник Цесаревич Алексей Николаевич, дочери Их Великие Княжны Ольга, Татиана, Мария и Анастасия Николаевны.
В этом же году около города Перми убит Брат Государя Императора Великий Князь Михаил Александрович.
Светлая Память Сих Венценосных Мучеников да будет нам путеводною звездою в святом деле восстановления былого благоденствия нашей Родины. А день 4/17 июля да будет на все времена для России днем скорби, покаяния и молитвы.
Российские Законы о Престолонаследии не допускают, чтобы Императорский Престол оставался праздным после установленной смерти предшествующего Императора и Его ближайших Наследников.
Также по Закону нашему новый Император становится таковым в силу самого Закона о Наследии.
Наступивший же вновь небывалый голод и несущиеся с Родины отчаянные мольбы о помощи повелительно требуют возглавления дела спасения Родины Высшим законным, внесословным и внепартийным авторитетом.
А по сему Я, Старший в Роде Царском, Единственный Законный Правопреемник Российского Императорского Престола, принимаю принадлежащий Мне непререкаемо титул Императора Всероссийского.
Сына Моего, Князя Владимира Кирилловича, провозглашаю Наследником Престола с присвоением Ему титула Великого Князя Наследника и Цесаревича.
Обещаюсь и клянусь свято блюсти Веру Православную и Российские Основные Законы о престолонаследии, обязуюсь нерушимо охранять права всех вероисповеданий.
Народ Русский велик и наделен обильными дарами ума и сердца, но впал в страшную беду и несчастье. Великие испытания, ниспосланные ему Богом, да очистят Его и приведут к светлому будущему, возобновив и закрепив перед Всевышним священный союз Царя и Народа.
На подлинном Собственною Его Императорского Величества рукою подписано:
Дан в Кобурге, 31 Августа 1924 года