Head of the Russian Imperial House visits Dubai

The assembled Imperial & Royal family members. 

The assembled Imperial & Royal family members. 

The head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov visited Dubai from January 14-18,, 2019. On January 16, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna visited Dubai to take part in a solemn reception hosted by the newly-opened Emerald Palace Kempinski Hotel for the Heads and members of the Royal Houses especially invited to Dubai.

The Royal Houses of Austria-Hungary, Portugal, Italy, Albania, Afghanistan, and others also participated in this event.

The Head of the Russian Imperial House sends Christmas and New Year's Greetings!

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The Head of the Imperial House of Russia,
H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia,
And H.I.H. the Heir, Tsesarevich, and Grand Duke George of Russia
extend their heartfelt thanks to all their countrymen and to friends of Russia around the word,
who have sent them their holiday greetings,
and likewise send greetings for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2019,
wishing everyone good health, happiness, spiritual strength, and God’s help
in all their endeavours.

Grand Duchess Maria also warmly thanks all those who have sent birthday greetings.

The Feast Day of the Nativity of the Honorable and Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist of the Lord John, which falls on June 24/July 7, 2019, coincides with the 400th anniversary of the enthronement of the ancestor of the House of Romanoff, Patriarch Filaret (1619).

The Grand Duchess and Tsesarevich ask all their countrymen to multiply their prayers for their ancestor and express their hope that all those who honour the memory of His Holiness Patriarch Filaret will mark this anniversary first and foremost with acts of charity for those in need.

Also this year, on January 11/24, is the 100th anniversary of the executions in the Ss. Peter and Paul Fortress of Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich, Grand Duke Dmitrii Konstantinovich, Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich, and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich.  The pious Grand Dukes Paul, Dmitrii, and George were numbered among the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia in 1981. 

And in 2019 we mark the 1000th anniversary of the reign of the Holy Grand Prince Yaroslav I the Wise in Kyiv.  This date is especially important for all the sons and daughters of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus as a symbol of their common history and the unity of their fraternal peoples.  The Feast Day for St. Yaroslav the Wise is February 20/March 5 (1054).

Read the original announcement HERE.

Russian Legitimist Wishes a Very Happy Birthday to the Head of the Russian Imperial House!

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On December 23, 2018, the Head of the Russian Imperial House, the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia celebrates her 65th birthday at her home in Madrid.

Congratulations to Her Imperial Highness from all of us at the Russian Legitimist, and we join the many groups around the world who pray for her health and happiness. Molebens were offered and other commemorations celebrated on her behalf around the world in Moscow, St. Petersburg, London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Sydney.

To the Grand Duchess, many years!

Grand Duke George of Russia Attends Buckingham Palace Opening

The Grand Duke poses before Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky’s “Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia” Signed and dated 1908. The Grand Duke is Nicholas II’s first cousin thrice removed.

The Grand Duke poses before Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky’s “Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia” Signed and dated 1908. The Grand Duke is Nicholas II’s first cousin thrice removed.

H.I.H. Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia was a guest at the opening of the new exhibition, “Russia, Royalty & the Romanovs.”

The new exhibition at the Queen’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace opened to great acclaim. Russia, Royalty & the Romanovs interweaves the familial, political, diplomatic and artistic stories of Britain and Russia and their royal families from initial contacts in the mid-16th century, through alliances, marriages and two World Wars.  The unique relationship between the two countries is explored through works of art, including paintings, porcelain, sculpture, photographs and miniature masterpieces by Fabergé.

The exhibition shows many works which served as diplomatic and personal gifts between the House of Romanov and the House of Windsor over several centuries. For more information on the exhibition, click HERE.

The Russian Imperial House Prays for the Victims of the Mass Shooting in Kerch.

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The Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, and her son and heir, H.I.H. the Grand Duke George of Russia, are shocked by the news of the mass shooting today at the Kerch Polytechnic College.

Their Imperial Highnesses pray for the repose of the souls of the victims of this brutal and senseless crime, and express their deepest condolences to the family and friends of the dead. They also pray for the quick and full recovery of those who have been injured in this tragic attack.

Глава Российского Императорского Дома Е.И.В. Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна и ее сын и наследник Е. И.В. Государь Цесаревич и Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович потрясены известием о массовом убийстве в Керченском политехническом колледже.

Их Императорские Высочества молятся о упокоении душ жертв этого зверского преступления и о исцелении раненых и выражают глубокие соболезнования родным и близким.

The original was released on the Facebook Page of the Russian Imperial House.

The Russian Imperial House Issues Statements Regarding the New Series "The Romanoffs"

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The Chancellery of the Russian Imperial House released today a Statement and a Clarification concerning the new Amazon Prime Series, “The Romanoffs.”

The series was developed, written, and produced by Matthew Weiner, an American, most famous for creating the internationally popular series “Mad Men.”

“The Romanoffs” is more like a series of loosely connected short films than a series. It is a collection of stories in which one or more of the characters believes that they are descended from the Russian Imperial Family.

Though the series is clearly fiction, the first two episodes have sparked controversy: the opening credits feature a gory recreation of the murder of the Imperial Family, who are now recognized as saints in the Russian Orthodox Church, and in the second episode, dwarf actors are used to portray the Imperial Martyrs in an humiliating sequence meant to be comical.

The Imperial house notes that it “does not wish to fan the flames of publicity,” but that it cannot stand by when such coarse and vulgar liberties are taken with the representation their relatives and ancestors.

The STATEMENT may be read HERE.


The Head of the Imperial House of Russia comments on the recent declaration by Patriarch Bartholomew.

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“I have never concealed the fact that I am a faithful daughter of the Russian Orthodox Church, that I trust its hierarchy, and, to the best of my ability, I work to preserve the canonical unity of the flock of the Moscow Patriarchate and the traditions that have developed in the Russian Orthodox community around the world.”

The Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, Head of the Russian Imperial House, has spoken on the recent statements by the Ecumenical Patriarch, during an interview released through Interfax.ru.

The Grand Duchess notes that she is deeply “saddened and alarmed” by recent events.

Read all about it on the website of the imperial House HERE

A very happy name day to H.I.H. Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna!


A very happy name day to Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna of Russia.  Today, August 4th, (July 22, old style) is celebrated the feast of The Holy Myrrh-Bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene.

The Holy Myrrh-Bearer and Isapostle Mary Magdalene, Troparion, Tone I —
The honorable Mary Magdalene followed after Christ,/ Who for our sake was born of the Virgin,/ keeping His precepts and laws./ Wherefore, celebrating thy most holy memory today,// through thy supplications we receive remission of sins.

To the Grand Duchess, many years!