30th Anniversary of the Return of the Romanovs to Russia.

On November 5, 1991, began the first visit to the Homeland of the Head of the Russian Imperial House of Romanov, HIH Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, after the 1917 Revolution.

This visit marked the beginning of a full-fledged process of returning the Romanov Dynasty to the public life of modern Russia and other countries belonging to the territory of the former Russian Empire.

30 years ago today, on November 7, 1991, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich and Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna arrived at the Piskarevskoye Cemetery at 10-30, where they honored the memory of the victims of the Siege of Leningrad by laying a wreath at their memorial.

Before laying the wreath, the Grabd Duke made a speech: "Laying a wreath at the Piskarevskoye cemetery, where hundreds of thousands of victims of the Siege of Leningrad, as well as defenders of the city, are buried, I want to honor the memory of all Russians who lost their lives during World War II. (...) The people have had many tragic trials over the past 70 years. I bow down today before the bright memory of millions of compatriots - fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, our children - all those who fell victim to the inhuman war, and I ask God for the repose of their souls. Eternal memory to them!"

Subsequently, the Grand Duke repeatedly said that it was his time at the Piskarevskoye cemetery that was the most moving for him during his visit to his homeland.

After the reception at the Mariinsky Palace and its inspection, the Imperial Couple proceeded to the Smolensk Cemetery, where they prayed in the chapel of St. Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg.

The Grabd Duke and Duchess were greeted by the rector of the then-restored church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, ruined during the years of persecution, Archpriest Viktor Moskovsky (1949-2020). Since the visit to the chapel of Blessed Xenia was not initially included by the organizers in the program of the visit and was initiated by Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich and Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna, Father Victor did not know about the arrival of Their Imperial Highnesses. But it was the absence of formality that gave this meeting and joint prayer a special quality

Then a reception was held at the K-2 residence on Kamenny Island on behalf of the Mayor of St. Petersburg A.A. Sobchak. The reception was attended by city leaders and mayors of the twin cities of the Northern Capital.

After the reception, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich and Grand Duchess Leonida Georgievna visited the House of Scientists - the former palace of the Grand Duke’s grandfather, Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, inspected it and watched fireworks over the Neva from the balcony.

On November 8, the Imperial Couple toured Kamenny Island, then laid flowers at the monument to the founder of the city, Emperor Peter I the Great ("The Bronze Horseman"), visited the Naval School and Peterhof.

On November 9, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich and Grabd Duchess Leonida Georgievna visited Tsarskoye Selo, visited the Hermitage and attended a performance of “La Traviata” at the Mariinsky Theater.

***adapted from a FB post by Aleksandr Zakatov.