Grand Duke George: Health update!

The Imperial Chancellery released an update on the health of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich which stated that the Grand Duke’s health was much improved and that he had been sent home to rest

Today, the Grand Duke and his wife, Princess Romanoff released statements on Social Media attesting to the fact that George Mikhailovich was feeling well, and thanking those who had written during his illness.

«Я благодарю всех, кто беспокоится о моем здоровье и всех, кто мне писал. Со здоровьем все в порядке, меня уже выписали, и я наконец вернулся к обычной жизни. Спасибо врачам и всем вам!»

["I thank everyone who cares about my health and everyone who wrote to me. My health is fine, I have already been discharged, and I have finally returned to normal life. Thank you to the doctors and to all of you!"]

The princess wrote further on instagram: “ I wish to thank all of you who took the time to write to us about his health condition. All went well and we wish to thank the doctors and medical staff as well as you all.”

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