New! Book Review: “The Last Tsar” by Tsuyoshi Hasegawa.

In Memoriam: H.I.H. Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich on the Anniversary of his Repose

Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich (1917-92) c. 1991, Colour photograph | Collection of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II | Royal Collection Trust | RCIN 2927299

Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich (1917-92) c. 1991, Colour photograph | Collection of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II | Royal Collection Trust | RCIN 2927299

On the 21st of April, 1992, Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia died in Miami, Florida, USA, during a press conference which was to precede a speech the following day to be given to a large business group under the auspices of the Northern Trust Bank of Florida. Grand Duke Vladimir had been asked to come speak to the group due to the recent and surprising developments in the former Soviet Union.

On December 25, 1991, the flag of the USSR was lowered over the Kremlin for a final time. Representatives from soon-to-be former Soviet republics (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan) stood together and announced they would declare a Commonwealth of Independent States. The three Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) had already declared their independence from the USSR. Gorbachev resigned on December 25.

This profound change was one the Northern Trust Bank hoped to address in their event. The Grand Duke and his wife had just completed their first visit to Russia since the Grand Duke had fled in 1919, and the Grand Duchess had left in 1931. The Grand Duke was only one of the many cousins who were active in discussing the future possibilities in the formerly communist east. The former kings of Romania, and Bulgaria, as well as the Crown Prince of the former Yugoslavia were active at this time, sharing their experiences and visions for the future. 

The son of a British Royal Princess and a Russian Grand Duke who had survived the revolution, the Grand Duke was eminently qualified to speak on the topics of change, reform, and of constitutional monarchy.

The day after his death, the Grand Duke’s speech was read on his behalf by Prince Nicolas Ouroussoff who had accompanied him to Miami:

“…Like many other Russians raised in exile abroad, I have spent most of my life firm in the belief that the best way to help Russia and the Russian people was by opposing communism.  This was also the attitude of my late father, who felt that no real political, economic or spiritual progress could take place in Russia as long it was under the Marxist yoke. 

In the last few months, the communist system that held my country in its grip for 74 tragic years has at last, thank God, been smashed to pieces by the Russian people.  And now, for the first time, Russians living in exile like myself can begin to speak realistically about participating with our compatriots in Russia in the effort to rebuild our country…My wife, my daughter, my grandson and I are Russians, and as Russians, we wish to participate and contribute in any way possible, whether official or unofficial, public or private, to the progress of our country. 

We all thank God that our country has been delivered from communism.  We are also most grateful that this long and involuntary exile is finally ending…The problems that Russia faces are so enormous that there is room for all Russians, whether in Russia or abroad, to pitch in and lend a hand, each in his own way and each according to his own possibilities.  This of course includes us…

Given the continuing fragmentation of what used to be the Soviet Union, it is my belief that a monarchy offers certain definite advantages which no other form of government can provide.  In the first place, a democratic and constitutional monarchy can play an enormous role as a stabilizing factor and as a focus for unity within a federal system.  In the present period of turbulence and chaos, one cannot overestimate the advantages to the nation of a monarchy, which, as an institution, is totally removed from party politics and whose position remains unaffected by the failures of political leaders.  I envision the monarchy as an institution in which one can have absolute trust and whose impartiality and neutrality allow the monarch to serve as a genuine arbiter within a federation or commonwealth.  The example that immediately comes to mind is that of my mother’s country, Great Britain. 

Before the creation of the British Commonwealth, the Crown served as the key link and really the last link of an Empire.  With the creation of the British Commonwealth, Her Majesty the Queen, as Head of the Commonwealth, has been the one symbol linking so many countries, both monarchies and republics, all over the globe…It seems to me that the peoples of Russia would understand and accept such a political structure.  A monarchy in Russia, however, could do more than provide a focus for national or commonwealth unity.  It would also provide a symbol of continuity, something that would allow the people to identify with their past and serve as a constant reminder of their history, their patrimony and their roots.  For a nation that was nearly robbed of its history and now in many ways is without moorings, this is of extreme importance. 

I see the role of a Russian monarch as a catalyst for federation, within the framework of a democratic monarchy of which he would be the first servant – a monarch not tied to any ideology and who expresses himself publicly on issues from a strictly non-political point of view.  In this sense, a monarchy can serve the people as a democratic bulwark against dictatorship.  In addition, a monarchy as an institution can serve very effectively as the focus for the loyalty of the armed forces.  Armed forces which are loyal to the symbol of the Crown rather than to the partisan political leaders or parties provide a further protection from military interference in the civil affairs of government, thus strengthening democracy. 

All these questions must, as I said before, be decided by the Russian people at the appropriate time and under the appropriate circumstances.  It is difficult to predict what the ultimate decision might be.”

Eternal memory!

The Head of the House of Romanov Has Recovered from Coronavirus


18 April 2020  The Head of the House of Romanov HasRecovered from Coronavirus


The Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, has recovered from coronavirus.

From the very beginning of this pandemic, the Grand Duchess has strictly complied with all quarantine measures mandated by governmental authorities and public health officials in theKingdom of Spain.  Toward the end of March, however, Her Imperial Highness began experiencing several mild flu-like symptoms that persisted for several days, and so was tested for COVID-19.  The test returned positive.  By God’s mercy, the Grand Duchess has fully recovered and has now developed a full immunity to this virus.  The Grand Duchess received the results of her follow-up tests on Great and Holy Friday, April 17.

At present, the Head of the Imperial House of Russia is out of danger, but she continues to observe the quarantine regime in accordance with the procedure established by governmental and public health authorities in Spain.  The Grand Duchess’s visit to Russia, which was originally planned for May 2020, has been postponed indefinitely.

Her Imperial Highness congratulates all her countrymen the world over on the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ.  She wishes good health for everyone and prays for a quick and complete end to this global disaster.

The Grand Duchess’s son and heir, H.I.H. The Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia, is in Moscow and continues to follow carefully the stay-at-home orders issued by authorities in Russia.  He remains in good health.

Their Imperial Highnesses continue working and advising in the many social and cultural activities of the institutions and organizations associated with the Imperial House of Russia, using the various means of remote telecommunications at their disposal.


2020-04-18 Глава Дома Романовых исцелилась от коронавируса

Глава Российского Императорского Дома Романовых Е.И.В. Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна исцелилась от коронавируса.

С самого начала пандемии Великая Княгиня неукоснительно соблюдала все карантинные меры, предписываемые властями и санитарными службами Королевства Испания. В конце марта Ее Императорское Высочество в течение нескольких дней испытывала лёгкое недомогание, сходное с признаками обычного сезонного ОРВИ. После прохождения тестирования было установлено, что Государыня перенесла заболевание коронавирусом COVID 19. По милости Божией, она полностью выздоровела, причем у неё выработался устойчивый иммунитет к этому вирусу. Результаты теста были получены Великой Княгиней в Страстную Пятницу, 17 апреля.

В настоящее время здоровью Главы Российского Императорского Дома ничто не угрожает, но она продолжает соблюдать режим карантина в соответствии с установленным властями порядком. Ожидаемый визит Великой Княгини на Родину, первоначально намеченный на май 2020 года, перенесён на более поздний срок.

Ее Императорское Высочество поздравляет соотечественников с Праздником Пасхи Христовой, желает всем крепкого здоровья и молится о скорейшем прекращении всемирного бедствия.

Сын и наследник Главы Российского Императорского Дома Е.И.В. Государь Цесаревич и Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович находится в Москве, соблюдая режим самоизоляции. Он пребывает в добром здравии.

Их Императорские Высочества продолжают руководить социокультурной деятельностью учреждений и организаций при Российском Императорском Доме, используя средства дистанционной связи.

Paschal greetings from the Head of the Russian Imperial House!


2020-04-19 CHRIST IS RISEN!

The Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, and her son and heir, H.I.H. The Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia, extend their warmest greetings to their countrymen on the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, and thank all those who have sent them Paschal greetings. Their Imperial Highnesses are saddened deeply that the spread of the coronavirus has required government authorities to impose restrictions on laity attending the Divine Services, especially during Holy Week and Pascha. They urge all of the faithful flock of the Russian Orthodox Church to accept and understand the reasons for these measures, and, most importantly, to have confidence in the instructions issued by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia and the entire Hierarchy of the Church, who are guided in these decisions solely by concern for the flock entrusted to them by God. In former times, our ancestors had to live through even more deadly epidemics and resort to similarly harsh and difficult restrictions on their lives. But the holy ascetics of the Russian Land, its pious rulers, and other prominent leaders of our homeland taught us through word and example to avoid despair and fear, to remain calm and rational, to be mindful of our own needs and of those around us, and above all not to tempt the Lord, but to try in all things to fulfill His commandments, even in the circumstances we find ourselves in today, for all things happen according to His will. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia and the Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia fervently pray that the Risen Lord, the Saviour Jesus Christ, will grant us strength of body and spirit, and will enable us to pass through these trials, preserving and multiplying our Faith, Hope, and Love. TRULY CHRIST IS RISEN!!


Глава Российского Императорского Дома Е.И.В. Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна и её сын и наследник Е.И.В. Государь Цесаревич и Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович поздравляют соотечественников с Праздником Светлого Христова Воскресения и благодарят за присланные поздравления. Их Императорские Высочества скорбят в связи с ограничениями, наложенными государственными учреждениями на участие мирян в Богослужениях и посещение храмов на Страстной седмице и в Пасхальные Дни из-за продолжающегося распространения коронавируса, но призывают всех чад Русской Православной Церкви отнестись к этим мерам с пониманием и, самое главное, с доверием к указаниям Святейшего Патриарха Московского и всея Руси Кирилла и Священноначалия, руководствующихся заботой о вверенной им Богом пастве. В прежние времена нашим предкам приходилось переживать и более смертоносные эпидемии и прибегать к суровым ограничительным мерам. Но святые подвижники Земли Русской, Государи и другие выдающиеся деятели нашего Отечества всегда словом и собственным примером учили избегать отчаяния и смятения, действовать разумно, бережно относиться к собственной жизни и жизни окружающих, не искушать Господа и стараться исполнять Его заповеди соответственно тем жизненным условиям, которые ниспосланы или попущены Им. Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна и Цесаревич Георгий Михайлович молятся, да укрепит Воскресший Господь Иисус Христос наши душевные и телесные силы и да поможет Он нам пройти через все испытания, сохранив и преумножив Веру, Надежду и Любовь. ВОИСТИНУ ВОСКРЕСЕ ХРИСТОС!

A Statement from Grand Duchess Maria of Russia on the Coronavirus Pandemic


2020-03-29 A Statement from the Head of the Imperial House of Russia H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia on the Coronavirus Pandemic

To my fellow Countrymen:

The entire world, including our country Russia, is enduring an enormous challenge. An illness is spreading across the globe and a cure for it has yet to be discovered.

In some countries, the virus has already claimed thousands of lives. But even in those countries where the situation is less desperate, there remains the possibility of a rapid explosion in the number of cases. The real danger lies in the fact that carriers of the virus often exhibit no symptoms, but can still transmit the disease, unknowingly, to many other people they encounter.

Just a few short months ago, we celebrated the New Year 2020, wishing each other happiness and making plans for the future. Probably no one expected that our lives would be suddenly and starkly changed, and that all of our plans, cares and problems would recede into the background, replaced by the global task facing each and every one of us: to prevent getting infected with the virus ourselves, and not to become a source of suffering and death for others

In these circumstances, I consider it my duty to turn to you with a request and appeal.

Without despair or panic, and holding firm our faith in Divine protection, hope and optimism, we must be responsible as never before.

We must comply strictly and completely with the instructions of state authorities, doctors and other public health professionals.

We must be grateful to all the various medical professionals, pharmacists, law enforcement agencies, the military, firefighters and other emergency services, clergy, volunteers, store and shop employees and transport workers—everyone who is now working at considerable risk to their lives in order to meet the needs of the public and to strengthen our spirit. We must help them in any way we can and express our deep appreciation for their heroism and self-sacrifice. And we must in no way commit the sin of grumbling or otherwise obstructing the implementation of necessary measures being enacted to prevent the spread of this pandemic.

We can protect ourselves and others from danger by observing the simplest rules: do not leave your homes unless absolutely necessary, wash your hands and disinfect all surfaces, do not touch your face, keep the recommended distance, and limit contacts with others as much as possible.

In observing these small and temporary limitations on our freedom, we may save ourselves and possibly hundreds or even thousands of others.

There surely is no single explanation for why the Lord periodically allows such disasters to occur. But it is very clear that this is a serious life test for each of us. Think what answer we will give to our conscience if, due to our own carelessness, the lives of our parents and relatives, friends, or even strangers we happen upon, are cut short by an illness they contracted from us.

At such times, the words of our Saviour take on special meaning: “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” (Luke 12:48). The young and strong should, fully adhering to sanitary guidelines, step in to help the elderly and the weak who are in need of care and attention. The wealthy and those in positions of power must assume even more social responsibilities and prove by their actions that their privileges and positions serve the interests of society at this trying moment.

The people of Russia have endured many trials and tribulations and have each time saved their country through unity. Let us be united now, even if conditions force us to minimize direct contact with each other.

Let us try to turn this unfortunate situation into something good. Popular wisdom tells us: “There is always a silver lining” and “There is always some blessing in misfortune.” We can hope that the current misfortune might weaken the political and economic competition between nations and unite them to work together to save lives, without regard for religious, national and social differences, because the virus does not make such distinctions, but affects everyone. We can ourselves remember our traditional values and rely on them to bolster our resolve. We can appreciate anew our relationships with those near us or far away and the connections that bind all humanity. We can love and care for our spouses, parents and children, whom we can sometimes take for granted in a world filled with cares and bustle. We can do acts of mercy. We can put the needs of others above our own dreams and aspirations. We can learn from our history the necessary lessons for our future.

I was preparing to visit my homeland in May for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of Victory in World War II. The serious situation in Spain has confined me to Madrid, however, where, as you know, the rate of infection is extremely high and strict quarantine measures have been introduced by the government. As a result, I will not be able to travel outside of Spain in the immediate future. But the one person closest to me, my hope and support, my son and heir, Grand Duke George of Russia, is now in Moscow. It is difficult and sad for me to be apart from him, but I thank God that he—and through him, the Imperial House—can help our homeland in this difficult period, not only from abroad, but also directly inside Russia.

I extend my deepest, most sincere condolences to all who have lost relatives and friends in this pandemic. I pray for the speedy recovery of all those who have become ill, and for the preservation of the health of all.

May Almighty God help us and hasten the hour when the coronavirus pandemic shall end, through the strength of our Faith and Reason.

H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia

Madrid, 16/29 March 2020

for a link to the original Russian, click HERE

Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich visits Thailand

On his official FB page, the Grand Duke George Mikhailovich noted that he is beginning a one week official visit to Thailand at the request of the local Russian Orthodox Church.

The Grand Duke met with local clerics and Russians in the Thai capital, where he will spend a few days.

The relationship between the Thai royal family and the House of Romanov goes back many generations, when HRH Prince Chakrabongse Bhuvanath, the Prince of Bishnuiok came from Siam to St Petersburg to attend the corps of pages. He returned to Siam with a wife from Lutsk, named Catherine Desnitskaya, and later known as Princess Catherine Na Phitsanulok.

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The prince and princess had one son, Prince Chula Chakrabongse. The Prince and his wife lived in Paruskavan Palace in Bangkok. Prince Chakrabongse served as Chief of Staff of the Royal Siamese Army until his death at the age of 37 in 1920.

A Very Happy Name Day to Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna!


Today, the Orthodox old calendar feast day of St. Mary Magdalen Equal-to-the-Apostles is also the name day of Her Imperial Highness the Grand Duchess Maria.

Prayer services were held in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Paris, London, and New York to pray for the health and well-being of the Head of the Imperial House.

To the Grand Duchess, the Editors of Russian Legitimist wish a very happy name day and many years!


101st Commemoration of the Martyrdom of the Imperial Family noted in Russia and around the World.

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A surprising development at the Duma

On July 17th, the Duma in Moscow came into session by observing a minute of silence in honor of the Royal Martyrs. “Reconciliation begins when we all understand that this cannot be repeated, that this is unacceptable,” said State Duma Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin.

“Representatives of all factions got up, regardless of ideological positions. This is a very important step towards national consolidation and reconciliation. It can be compared with the Moncloa Pact in Spain, when representatives of all previously opposing sides honored the memory of the victims of the civil war, ” Volodin noted.

Members of the Russian Duma stand to observe a minute of silence on behalf of the Royal Martyrs. A first.

Members of the Russian Duma stand to observe a minute of silence on behalf of the Royal Martyrs. A first.

According to Andrei Isaev, this indicates that all political forces represented in the Russian parliament are opposed to civil confrontation, and are for settling disputes and conflicts that arise through peaceful and democratic means.

“This shows the readiness of the Russian parliament to follow the path of building a rule-of-law state, in which there should be no place for arbitrary reprisals and political discussions with the use of force of arms,” said the parliamentarian.

Many deputies are in favor of becoming a tradition on July 17, the day of the death of the royal family, to honor the memory of all those who innocently died as a result of the civil war in Russia, Isaev noted.

At Ekaterinburg


The Russian Imperial House posted an image of, HIH the Head of the Russian Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna with the Patriarch, and noted that observances on behalf of the Royal Martyrs began in 1929 when her August father, HM the Emperor-In-Exile Kirill I Vladimirovich issued an act together with Metropolitan Anthony.

“"We must always remember the immortal words of The Saint-Emperor Nicholas II, which he transmitted before his end: "…evil cannot vanquish evil, only love can."

"On July 11, 1929, my grandfather, Emperor Kirill Vladimirovich, together with the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky), marked the beginning of the official veneration of the memory of the tortured Tsar's Family, July 4 as the Day of Universal Sorrow for the Russian People.

"After the Holy Church glorified the murdered members of our House and they became saints, this day was transformed from a Day of Tribulation into a Feast, which should be celebrated with a bright and joyful feeling, like the days which commemorate the martyrs and passion-bearers of earlier times…”

This year, more than 60,000 Orthodox faithful gathered for the nighttime Liturgy at Church on the Blood in Ekaterinburg, built on the site where the Royal Family and their faithful servants were brutally slain, and the following procession to the Monastery of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers in Ganina Yama, on the night of July 16-17, reports the Ekaterinburg Diocese .

Around the world

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Services were held in Patriarchal and ROCOR parishes around the world. it was reported to the Russian Legitimist, that in New York at the Patriarchal Cathedral of Saint Nicholas, the Imperial hymn “God Save the Tsar” was sung during the Holy Communion.

The Russian Imperial House attends Prussian Royal Wedding at Mallorca


Grand Duchess Maria of Russia and Grand Duke George of Russia are currently at Mallorca to attend the wedding of their cousin, Joachim Prince of Prussia (b.1984), to Countess Angelina zu Solms-Laubach (b.1983).

The wedding takes place on Saturday, 29 June. The couple already have one daughter, Georgina, born last year.

The presence of the Russian Imperial House was announced via the Grand Duke’s Instagram account,