The Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, and her son and heir, H.I.H. the Grand Duke George of Russia, were shocked and saddened by the news of the series of terrible terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka, committed during Easter celebrations and counting numerous local residents and foreign nationals among its victims. Their Imperial Highnesses extend their deepest condolences to the people of Sri Lanka and pray for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives and for the recovery of the injured. The Grand Duchess and Grand Duke are confident that the Christians of Sri Lanka will receive the compassion, support, and protection of their Buddhist, Hindu, and Muslim countrymen.
Tatler Tea Party in honor of Grand Duke George Mikhailovich's Visit to Russia
Anniversary of the accession of H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna to all the rights and obligations of the Head of the Imperial House of Romanoff (1992).
April 8/21 -- Today is the date of the anniversary of the accession of H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna to all the rights and obligations of the Head of the Imperial House of Romanoff (1992).
After the death of her August Father, she inherited the rights and duties of the Emperors of all the Russias by virtue of Article 30 of the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire in connection with the extinction of the last dynastic male line of the Russian Imperial House.
The Russian Imperial House Saddened by News of the Destruction at Notre-Dame de Paris
The Head of the Imperial House of Russia, H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, and her son and heir, H.I.H. the Grand Duke George of Russia, were deeply saddened by the news of the destruction by fire of a significant part of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. This is a tragic event for the entire Christian world, a portentous sign, and an irreplaceable loss for the culture of all the world. Their Imperial Highnesses pray that the Lord will preserve the lives of all the firefighters and others who are offering aid during this dreadful catastrophe, and that He will save from destruction the many holy relics which are kept in the Cathedral. The Grand Duchess and Grand Duke send their deepest condolences to the people of France.
Глава Российского Императорского Дома Е.И.В. Государыня Великая Княгиня Мария Владимировна и её сын и наследник Е.И.В. Государь Великий Князь Георгий Михайлович глубоко скорбят в связи с гибелью в огне значительной части Собора Парижской Богоматери. Это страшное несчастье для всего Христианского Мiра, грозное знамение и невосполнимая утрата для всемiрной культуры. Их Императорские Высочества молятся, чтобы Господь сохранил жизни пожарных и всех людей, принимающих участие в преодолении этой катастрофы, чтобы были спасены великие святыни, хранившиеся в Соборе, и выражают свои соболезнования народу Франции.
Presentation published: "Firmly and Unflinchingly As Did My Late Father"
Dr. Martin, lecturing.
Russian Legitimist is pleased to announce that we have been granted permission to add the following lecture “Firmly and Unflinchingly As Did My Late Father” by Dr. Russell E. Martin of Westminster College, Westminster, PA., U.S.A.
This lecture was delivered at a conference at St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. convened to commemorate the significant anniversary year of 2018, when the 100th anniversary of the martyrdoms of the Holy Royal Martyrs was noted around the world.
Dr. Martin has made several articles available to the Russian Legitimist Research section in the past, and we are pleased to be able to reproduce the text of his presentation in full; a presentation which notes the special relationship of the Tsar-martyr to the fundamental laws of the Empire, as well as his relationship to Orthodox Monarchy.
Please visit the new page HERE.
H.I.H. Tsesarevich & Grand Duke George Mikhailovich represents the Russian Imperial House at the funeral of the Count of Paris at Dreux.
The Grand Duke is pictures at far right with the Royal House of France at the funeral of the Count of Paris.
On February 2, 2019, the funeral of Henri, Count of Paris (to his supporters, King Henri VI), who died on January 21, took place in the Chapel and crypt of the Royal House of France at Dreux. The Russian Imperial House was represented by H.I.H. The Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich of Russia.
For more information and pictures, see this article.
Head of the Russian Imperial House congratulates Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia on the 10th anniversary of his enthronement.
The Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. the Sovereign Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, sent congratulations to His Holiness Kyrill, Patriarch of Moscow & All Russia, on the decenary of his Enthronement.
The Grand Duchess’s congratulations were delivered to His Holiness by her August Son and Heir, H.I.H. the Sovereign Tsarevich and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, who by invitation of the Holy Synod participated in the Jubilee Celebrations of 31 January 2019 dedicated to the decenary of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church and Patriarchal Enthronement in 2009, held in the State Kremlin Palace, and the reception that followed in the Refectory Halls of Christ the Saviour Cathedral.
The Grand Duke also presented His Holiness with an icon of Our Lady of St. Theodore (‘Feodorovskaya’).
His Holiness, Patriarch Kyrill, blessed Grand Duke George Mikhailovich and relayed his heartfelt gratitude to Grand Duchess Maria Wladimirovna.
To His Holiness
The Most-Holy Patriarch of Moscow & All Russia
Your Holiness!
I sincerely congratulate you on the Decenary of your Patriarchal Enthronement!
I, along my son and heir, the Grand Duke George Mikhailovich, wish you health, length of days, and God's aid in your service to the Russian Orthodox Church and Œcumenical Orthodoxy.
We share in the joy of the successes had by the Church under your guidance, and share in the sorrow of Her trials, particularly in the suffering currently befalling the Ukrainian flock.
Holding fast to the precepts of our Imperial Ancestors and, remembering your words on the inseparable ties and coöperation of the Church and Our House, we will, with all power and occasion available to us, contribute to the protection of the spiritual legacy of Holy Russia.
Entrusting myself to your Primatial prayers and requesting your blessing, with love and esteem for Your Holiness
Signed in Her Imperial Highness’ own hand upon the original:
Madrid, 19 January/1 February 2019 A.D.
(via Russian Imperial House of Romanov \ Российский Императорский Дом Романовых; translation: Russian Imperial Union-Order East Coast)
HIH Grand Duchess Maria and HE Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All-Russia
The Russian Imperial House sends condolences to the Royal House of France on the death of the Count of Paris.
S.A.R. the Count of Paris.
The Head of the Russian Imperial House H.I.H. Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna and H.I.H. the Sovereign Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George Mikhailovich head with deep sorrow the news of the death of the Head of the Royal House of France, the 86-year-old Count of Paris, de jure, King Henry VII of the French. His death on January 21, 2019 fell on the date of the feast of King Louis XVI, who was martyred in 1793.
Their Imperial Highnesses expressed their deep condolences to the new Head of the Royal House of France, Jean, Prince of Orleans and duc de Vendôme, the Royal Family of France, and all compatriots of the late Sovereign.